Tone Indicators in Maybax

For easy access we have also provided all of the Tone Indicators in Maybax here on the website!

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Tone Indicators in Maybax

Indicator Meaning Conveyed
/srs Serious
/nsrs Not Serious
/p Platonic
/t Teasing
/nm Not Mad
/lu Little Upset
/neg or /nc Negative Connotation
/pos or /pc Positive Connotation
/lh Light Hearted
/nbh Nobody Here
/m Metaphorically
/li Literally
/ij Inside Joke
/j Joke or Joking
/hj Half Joking
/rh or /rt Rhetorical Question
/gen or /g Genuine (Not Sarcastic)
/s Sarcastic
/hyp Hyperbole

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