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FAQ's Command

This page will help you get started with the FAQ command and explain what each sub command does! Below, each header will display a group of commands and list what each one does. The embeds that Maybax provides may vary slightly to include information about your server in Discord (e.x. may say your guild name or include the server logo on an embed).

Maybax Home >> Maybax Commands >> FAQ Commands

FAQ's Subcommands

/faq tone

Interpreting messages online can be hard! A lot of people struggle with issues like 'are they being sarcastic?' or 'that feels like they are mocking me...' because the "tone" or intent of a message was misread.

There's also a list of all the terms on this website for quick access!

/faq plurality

/faq autism-spectrum-disorder

/faq autism-spectrum-disorder terminology

Provides a list of common terms related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), other common commodities and community sourced information from actual autistic people. Below we have included the terms listed in Maybax. If you'd like to see more terms in the future, let us know on Gitlab!

By default the Bot command will ask for one (1) term to display, but you can also use "All" to get every term!

There's also a list of all the terms on this website for quick access!

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